GlobeDock Educational Consultancy

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🔵Contact us: @GlobeDock_Consult
🔵Call: +251 969 959595
🔵Address: Gabon street, meskel
flower, Jema'a bldg. 6th floor

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⚡️ለሁሉም የሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት ተመራቂዎች : ለ12ኛ ክፍል ፡ ህልምዎ በግሎብዶክ ይጀምራል! እድሎ በቅርብ ርቀት ላይ ናቸው፣ ከእኛ ጋር አስደሳች እድሎችን ይጠቀሙ።

ወደ ህልምዎ እና ከፍተኛ ትምህርትዎ ቀጣዩን እርምጃ ለመውሰድ ዝግጁ ነዎት

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

⚡️ወደ ዓለም አቀፋዊ ትምህርት በሚደረገው ጉዞ ላይ ታማኝ አጋርዎ የሆነውን ግሎብዶክን ያግኙ።

🇺🇸🇨🇦🇪🇺🌏በመላው ዩኤስኤ፣ አውሮፓ፣ እስያ እና ካናዳ ውስጥ ባሉ ታዋቂ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ውስጥ ተማሪዎችን የሚጠብቃቸውን ዕድሎችን እዲያገኙ ለመርዳት ቆርጠን ተነስተናል።

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🌸Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible women out there! 💖✨ Today, we celebrate your strength, resilience, and endless achievements. Here's to breaking barriers, shattering glass ceilings, and inspiring generations to come. Keep shining bright, because the world is a better place with you in it! #InternationalWomensDay #GirlPower 💪🚺🌟

Join us here 👇👇👇
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor .(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🇪🇹Marching forward with the legacy of resilience. Happy Victory of Adwa Day! 🇪🇹
✨ Let's honor the heroes who stood tall for freedom and unity

At GlobeDock, we believe in turning aspirations into reality.

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🔑Our commitment to excellence goes beyond the norm.

We don't just match students with universities; we nurture dreams and provide comprehensive career counseling throughout their educational journey.

At GlobeDock, we believe in turning aspirations into reality.

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🧩What sets us apart is our exceptional team of professionals.

💥Our experts in recruitment and career development are not just passionate; they're determined to be the best educational consultants in the country. With their guidance and expertise, you can embark on your educational journey with confidence.

Join us here:
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🧩Discover GlobeDock Educational Consultancy, your trusted partner on the journey to global education.

⚡️We are dedicated to helping students explore the world of possibilities that await them in renowned universities across the USA, Europe, Asia, and Canada.

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🧩ብዙ ተማሪዎች ተስማሚ ትምህርት ለማግኘት በእኛ ይተማመናሉ

እርስዎን በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ብቁ ከሆኑ ተቋማት ጋር ለማገናኘት በምናደርገው ጥረት የእርስዎ ህልሞች፣ ምርጫዎች እና ምኞቶች የተልዕኳችን ዋና መዳረሻዎች ናቸው።

💡ትክክለኛውን ዩኒቨርሲቲ እና የትምህርት መስክ ከመምረጥ ጀምሮ የመግቢያ ፈተናዎችን እስከ መውሰድ ድረስ ከጀርባዎ ነን።

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🎉 Exciting News! 🎁✨

Dear GlobeDock Community,

We're thrilled to let you know that we're still eagerly waiting for you with special gifts and exclusive discounts! 🎉
✨ Your presence means the world to us, and we can't wait to share these fantastic surprises with each and every one of you.

🎁 Unwrap the Goodies: Gift packages and discounts

Spread the word and join us for this celebration! 🚀 Thank you for being a valued part of our community.

🎉🎊መልካም የጥምቀት በዓል🎊🎉


🎉"Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments. May the spirit of the season bring warmth to your heart and happiness to your home. Here's to creating beautiful memories and celebrating the magic of this special time. Happy holiday.

Please contact us
Visit our Website:
Call us: +251 969 959595
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

🌏 በኤዥያ ውስጥ የትምህርት ጉዞህን ጀምሩ
🔑"እስያ ለዘመናት የቆዩ ወጎችን ከቴክኖሎጂ እና ከትምህርት ጋር አጣምራለች። በማሌዢያ፣ ፊሊፒንስ፣ ደቡብ ኮሪያ እና ሌሎች አማራጮችን አስስ።"

እዚህ ይቀላቀሉን 👇👇👇
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor .(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

Hello Globedock Community,
Here we are with plenty of gifts 🎉🛍🎁

Elevate your educational experience with our specially curated gift packages!

📚✨ As a token of appreciation for those embarking on their educational journey with us, we're delighted to introduce these exclusive bundles designed to add a touch of warmth and inspiration.

🎁 What's Inside Our Gift Packages?

- Different kinds of exciting holiday gifts 😍😍😍
- And many more items in a basket you wouldn’t want to miss as a student……

But that's not all! 🌟 To make your academic journey even more memorable, we're offering an
EXCLUSIVE 10% DISCOUNT to the first 5 students who sign up for our educational services. 🚀

🎄🎆Merry Christmas! 🎁
We wish you a holiday filled with Joy, laughter and the warmth of loved ones.

🎁✨ We have Exciting News! 🌟

This Christmas, our hearts are brimming with joy, and we've been busy preparing tons of gifts just for YOU! 🎅🏻🎁

Get ready to unwrap the magic of the season with surprises, delights, and the warmth of our appreciation. Your support means the world to us, and this is our way of saying THANK YOU! 🤗❤️

Stay tuned as we unveil the festive treasures awaiting you. 'This is the season of generosity, and you're in for a treat! 🎄✨

Share it your beloved ones🎊🎁

🚨 Important Update Alert! 🕒⚠️ Our schedule has been revised! to 8:00pm local time.

📣 Exciting News from GlobeDock! 💫
🔔We're thrilled to announce that we'll attend an exclusive event prepared for high schools at Meskel Square, in front of St. Estifanos Church Hall! ⛪️ From 8:00 PM to 12:00 PM on December 24, 2023, prepare for a day filled with fun, friends, and fantastic memories!
Join us for:
📕An informative session about our latest services :books:
🎁Awesome giveaways :gift:
📎Exclusive discounts just for attendees
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to connect and learn more about what GlobeDock offers! 🎉🎉

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Show in Telegram
"🌟 Real stories, real impact! 🗣✨ #TestimonialTalks share the journeys, struggles, and victories that inspire us all. Join the conversation, hear the power of experience, and witness the strength of shared wisdom! 🎥🌿 #RealPeopleRealStories #InspireChange"

🔆 ብዙ ተማሪዎች ተስማሚ ትምህርት ለማግኘት በእኛ ይተማመናሉ።

💡እርስዎን በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ብቁ ከሆኑ ተቋማት ጋር ለማገናኘት በምናደርገው ጥረት የእርስዎ ህልሞች፣ ምርጫዎች እና ምኞቶች የተልዕኳችን ዋና መዳረሻዎች ናቸው።

ትክክለኛውን ዩኒቨርሲቲ እና የትምህርት መስክ ከመምረጥ ጀምሮ የመግቢያ ፈተናዎችን እስከ መውሰድ ድረስ ከጀርባዎ ነን።

Join us here:
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🔑Your educational journey is important to us.

We are here to prepare you every step of the way from document collection to exam preparation, embassy interview, and life skill training.

From identifying the right university and field of study to guiding you through the application process, we ensure you're well-equipped for success.

Join us here 👇👇👇
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower R
oad, Jema'a building 6th floor.(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

🧩 Ready to shape your future with GlobeDock Educational Consultancy? Reach out to us today to explore boundless opportunities, clarify your career goals, and pave the way to a brighter future.

All High School Graduates: Your Future Begins with GlobeDock! 🌟

Join us here 👇👇👇
🔻ikTok: http@globedockedu
🔻V' rel='nofollow'>s://
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor .(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

Forward from: Unknown
🌏GlobeDock has established partnerships with prestigious universities worldwide.

⚡️This means you'll have access to some of the best educational institutions, setting you on the path to success.

Join us here 👇👇👇
🔻TikTok: @globedockedu' rel='nofollow'>
🔻Visit our Office: Dembel to Meskel Flower Road, Jema'a building 6th floor .(You can use Google map)

📞 +251969959595 or +251942202070

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