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e'tibor uchun katta rahmat . Barchaning õqish va ishlariga omad tilayman hech qachon õqish va izlanishdan charchamang ... hurmat bn Jamshid .

In addition to these colors, there are rare exceptions for temporary passports, but in general, these colors persist.
Distribution of colors on the map of the World.



Blue Passports

The Mercosur countries have blue passports, among them are Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay.
Many countries in the Caribbean also have blue passports.
Often the blue color is determined by national colors or colors on the flag.
In Europe blue passports are issued in Belarus and Ukraine.
Many people are mistakenly thinking that the blue color originated because of the US passports. In fact the passports of the US citizens turned blue only in 1976, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Independence!
Before that, US citizens had green passports (until the 1930s), then claret-colored and, supposedly, even the black one.



Red Passports

There is a version that passports of red color are used by communist countries. Although many countries have got beyond control of the former Soviet Union and Russia long ago, the color of passports has remained the same. Among them are China, Russia, Latvia, Poland, Georgia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.
Many EU countries (Northern Europe) have claret-colored or red passports. This happened historically, often since the Vikings and the Middle Ages times. Such countries include, for example, Germany, Switzerland, France, Norway and others.
There are some countries that have changed their color to red. Perhaps to accelerate the accession to the EU membership: Turkey, Macedonia, Albania.
Some countries of South America also have red passports: Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia.



Green passports

Often green is associated with the Muslim faith. Green was the favorite color of the Prophet Muhammad. Moreover, this color symbolizes nature and life.
Probably, for this reason, the Middle East countries (such as Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan) inhabitants have green passports.
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), for example, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal, also have green passports.



Black passports.

Often passports have extremely dark shades of red or blue.
However, there are also purely black passports. People believe that they are not so easily stained and look more formal.
Black passports are owned by the inhabitants of Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Gabon, Zambia, Congo, Malawi and Chad.
In addition, New Zealanders also have black passports, since black is the national color of the country.

Red . Blue . Green . Black .

Did you know that all passports in the world are divided into only 4 colors or their shades?
It turns out that all passports in the world are predominantly red or blue! Only a few countries have green and black passports!
What do these colors mean?

Let's start with the more rare ones.


Did You Know What the Color of Your Passport Means ?

Sizning fuqorolik passportingizning rangi qanday ma'noni anglatishini bilasizmi ?

#did_you_know_? Bõlimi orqali qiziqarli faktlar bilan tanishishda davom etamiz .
Quyidagi berilgan matnlarni mustaqil tushunishga harakat qiling . Õzingizga notanish bõlgan sõzlarni eslab qolishga harakat qiling .

English is not a science. It's a skill. Don't study it. Use it.

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